Obfuscating email addresses on your web page
Publishing an email address "in clear" on a web page is a bad idea. It just leads to masses of spam. Here's a neat JavaScript solution that gets around the problem. The first step is to assign a JavaScript function to a hyperlink as follows:
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:sendmail();">Send an email</a>
And here's the JavaScript function that creates the email. No need for a form, which is cool:
<script language="javascript"> function sendmail() { /* we want mailto:info@restofaddress.com and here's how we get it... */ var addr = "mailto"; addr = addr+":"; addr = addr+"info"+String.fromCharCode(64); addr = addr+"restofaddress.com"; window.location = addr; } </script>
You can get more sophisticated. Supposing you want multiple addresses on a page, here's how:
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:sendmail('info', 'restofaddress.com');"> Send an email</a>
The link above passes two arguments to the function below:
<script language="javascript"> function sendmail(part1, part2) { /* we want mailto:info@restofaddress.com and here's how we get it... */ var addr = "mailto:"; addr = addr+part1+String.fromCharCode(64)+part2; window.location = addr; } </script>
And don't forget that you can do other things with mailto like adding a subject:
<script language="javascript"> function sendmail(part1, part2) { /* we want mailto:info@restofaddress.com and here's how we get it... */ var addr = "mailto:"; addr = addr+part1+String.fromCharCode(64)+part2; var subj = "?subject=please send more information"; window.location = addr+subj; } </script>
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